A BIG Thank You and a Push for Pledges

We are three months into our Grow with Grace capital camping and have seen a wonderful amount of contributions, strengthened by the prayers from our parish community. With an eagerness to begin the rebuilding and maintenance projects, we hope pledges will continue to increase. 

Our projects can commence once half of the campaign goal (in our case, $250K) is collected in-hand and the remaining half has been pledged. In order to stay on track with the estimated 2-3 year project timeline, we look forward to planning some fundraising events to bolster community support. Please keep an eye out for upcoming announcements and stay tuned for campaign updates on this blog!

We may never know the full impact our parish has had in terms of the number of people helped. With this project, we can continue to expand our membership as well as retain and strengthen our existing population by providing a healthy, structurally safe, and beautiful atmosphere for gathering and worship. Through this, our ability to help more people, by the grace of God, will naturally expand as well.